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Cai Suping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of BAIC Group, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hainachuan, and Chairman of the Board of Directors Cai Su

發(fā)布時間:[2018-6-28 15:15:0]    瀏覽量:5958次

Send coolness in the scorching heat  Sisi caring and warm heart

   June 27, 2018, at the foot of the mighty Mount Tai, the sun was scorching and the heat was raging. Cai Suping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of BAIC Group, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hainachuan, and Chen Bao, General Manager of Hainachuan Company, came to Taian and set off to "send cool air" to the front-line employees, bringing the leadership of BAIC Group and Hainachuan Company Care has been sent to the hearts of every employee who started the journey and warmed the hearts of every employee.

Chairman Cai Suping and his entourage cordially shook hands with the front-line employees who worked hard in the heat and heat, and told them to pay attention to safety in production, drink plenty of water, pay attention to warm words such as heatstroke prevention, and drink beverages. , Towels, small medicine boxes and other heatstroke prevention and cooling items were delivered to the employees, and thanked everyone for their contributions on the front line.

   is cool and caring. Beijing is a thousand miles away from Tai'an, but the leaders of BAIC Group and Hainachuan Company have always been thinking about the vast number of front-line employees of Tai'an Qicheng Company. Every year in the scorching summer, they will go to Tai'an and set off to carry out employee condolences and cool activities. .

This time, Chairman Cai Suping went to Tai’an to send off the cool air, so that every departure employee present fully felt the care and love of the group and the leaders of Hainachuan, and they used simple words to express their gratitude and gratitude continuously, and expressed their desire to continue. Carry forward the BAIC craftsman spirit of "tenacity, perseverance, focus, and perfection", do every product well, and contribute to the joint construction of a new journey, the realization of the goal of Hainachuan, and the practice of the BAIC dream.

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