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Cai Suping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of BAIC Group, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hainachuan, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Cai S

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2018-6-28 14:43:24]    瀏覽量:6326次
Determine business ideas, point out the direction of development, and enhance employee confidence

   On June 27, 2018, Taishan Yanyan, purple gas came to the east. Cai Suping, member of the Standing Committee of the North Group Party Committee, Deputy General Manager, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hainachuan, and Chairman of the Board, Chen Bao, General Manager of Hainachuan Company, and Chen Geng, Deputy General Manager of Hainachuan Company and three people went to Taian for investigation.

   Accompanied by Li Zongqi, Member of the Party Committee of Hainachuan Company and Executive Director of Tai'an Qicheng, and Li Jiahu, Secretary of the Party Branch and General Manager, Chairman Cai Suping and his entourage conducted a thorough investigation on the production site of Tai'an. Chairman Cai Suping and his party went to the production site to learn more about the whole process of the production and processing of aluminum alloy wheels, and visited the construction of the staff home, staff bookstore and innovation studio in Tai'an.

    At the symposium, after listening to General Manager Li Jiahu's report on Qicheng's operation and party building work, Chairman Cai Suping and his entourage put forward ideas and requirements on how to better develop Qicheng, and pointed out the direction of Qicheng's efforts.

   General Manager Chen Bao put forward six requirements for Taian's departure. Chairman Cai Suping pointed out that although this is the first time to set off in Taian, it is also the first time to see a wheel manufacturer. He is very excited. He put forward 12 suggestions for the future development of Taian.

In this survey, Chairman Cai Suping provided coolness to the frontline employees, and invited Taian City Party Secretaris to discuss the future development direction of Taian’s journey, which has established a government platform for the enterprise, clarified the development direction of the enterprise, and enhanced Employee confidence.

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