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Party branch launches red education activities

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2020-7-4 18:56:48]    瀏覽量:6257次
Tai'an departure Party branch to carry out red education
In order to commemorate the 99th anniversary of the founding of the Party, review the glorious history of the Party, inherit and carry forward the Party's glorious tradition and fine style of work, and further enhance the Party's cohesion and combat effectiveness, on July 4, Taian departure Party branch organized 37 party members and activists to Taian Feicheng Lufang Breakthrough campaign Memorial Hall to hold red theme education activities. In front of the solemn monument to the revolutionary martyrs, in front of the party flag, under the guidance of Li Maocai, secretary of the Party branch, everyone was full of passion, reviewed the oath of joining the party, remembered the martyrs, and expressed their respect for the martyrs. A loud voice haunted the Phoenix Mountain. Through the explanation of the narrator, we have a detailed understanding of the revolutionary history of the 115th Division of the eighth Route Army and the local armed forces fighting the Japanese aggressors with wisdom, courage, faith and strength. One by one yellow precious historical photos, one by one through the war of things, one by one lifelike sculpture of characters, all recorded the heroic deeds of martyrs, showing the heroes would rather die than surrender the national integrity, A scene strongly shocked everyone's heart. Through this activity, we personally experienced the revolutionary martyrs of the spirit of hard struggle, recognized the spirit of land house breakthrough, that is ," death, rather than surrender; not afraid of violence, blood to the end of the heroic spirit; Jedi counter-attack, invincible belief in victory; In our future work and life, we should inherit the spirit of revolutionary martyrs, take the revolutionary martyrs as an example, cherish the hard-won happy life, never forget our original ideals and aspirations in our work, remember our mission, and devote ourselves to the development of the company.
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