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Visit Xibaipo Revolutionary Memorial Hall

發(fā)布時(shí)間:[2018-7-18 19:44:7]    瀏覽量:1596次
Tai'an Party members and activists visit the Xibaipo Revolutionary Memorial Hall
July 14, it is the first day, hot summer. The east has just revealed that 50 Tai'an party members and activists, led by Li Jiahu, secretary of the party branch of the company, set out in the direction of the Xibaipo Revolutionary Memorial Hall in Hebei Province. After arriving at the destination, everyone followed the commentator closely, listening carefully to the explanation, looking at pictures, objects, and not letting go of any place. Touch the scene after the past, a table a chair, can not help but a careful look, touch. Looking at old photos, listening to the commentator lifelike explanation, as if to bring everyone back to the war and passion of the years. In front of the site of the second Plenary session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, full of passion for "striving for communism for life ", the party members reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the excited voice reverberated over Xibaipo for a long time. Xiong Guan Man Road is really like iron, now take the step from the beginning. This trip not only makes everyone fully understand the glorious course of "New China coming from here ", but also makes everyone deeply realize the spirit of Xibaipo with the famous" two musts "as the core. We also deeply realize that only by keeping in mind history can we go further and that only by arming ourselves with excellent revolutionary spirit can our party become stronger and stronger. This spirit will educate and inspire Tai'an employees not to forget their original ideals and aspirations, to forge ahead, to encourage all staff to continue to carry forward the spirit of "hard work, unity and cooperation, advance in the face of difficulties, ambition ", to achieve high-quality development, start a new journey, seek new development, show new achievements, for the realization of BAIC dream, rejuvenation of Chinese Dream to make new and greater contributions.
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