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Taian set off for the party branch to carry out red education activities

發(fā)布時間:[2020-7-4 19:5:7]    瀏覽量:4041次
In order to commemorate the 99th anniversary of the founding of the party, review the glorious history of the party, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and further enhance the party’s cohesion and combat effectiveness, on July 4, under the leadership of the party branch secretary Li Maocai, the party branch of Taian was set off. Organized 37 party members and party activists to go to the Memorial Hall of the Lufang Breakthrough Campaign in Feicheng, Taian, to hold red-themed education activities.

Through this event, everyone experienced the spirit of hard work of the revolutionary martyrs, and realized the spirit of Lu Fang’s breakthrough, that is, the spirit of "seeing death as home, rather than surrendering; the heroic spirit of not fearing violence and fighting to the end; the imperative to fight back and never destroy Conviction of victory; the military and civilians work together to overcome the tenacious friendship between fish and water." They were shocked in their souls and inspired in spirit. They all said that in the future work and life, we must inherit the spirit of revolutionary martyrs and take the revolutionary martyrs as an example. , Cherish the hard-won happy life, never forget the original aspiration in the work, keep the mission in mind, invest in the company's development with a hard-working attitude, deepen the four major transformations, unite and contribute to the realization of the high-quality development of Hainachuan The power of each employee.
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