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Taian Qicheng Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Environmental Information Disclosure

發(fā)布時間:[2019-8-22 16:26:21]    瀏覽量:5664次
According to the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Environmental Information Disclosure Measures for Enterprises and Institutions", the environmental information of Taian Qicheng Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is now disclosed as follows:

1. Basic information

Company name: Taian Qicheng Wheel Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Social Credit Code: 91370900590319627Q

Legal representative: Li Zongqi

Production address: No. 68, Keji West Road, Eastern New District, Taishan District, Tai'an City

Contact number: 0538-5059217

Mainly engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and sales of automotive aluminum alloy wheels, with a product scale of 1 million per year.

2. Pollutant discharge information

(1) Sewage discharge

The sewage discharge outlet of Qicheng Company is located on the southeast side of the plant, numbered DW001. Implementation of "Sewage Discharged into Urban Sewer Water Quality Standards" (CJ343-2010) Class B standards: COD 500mg/L, NH3-N 45mg/L, SS 250mg/L. Actual monitoring emission concentration: CODcr 96mg/L, NH3-N 0.265mg/L, SS 24mg/L. Sewage is discharged to Taian Jiacheng Water Purification Co., Ltd. for treatment through the sewage pipe network of the industrial park.

(2) Waste gas emission

The main exhaust gas outlets of Qicheng Company are located on the north and south sides of the plant: the north side is numbered DA001/DA002, which implements the "Shandong Provincial Comprehensive Emission Standard of Air Pollutants" (DB37/2376—2019) standards: SO2≤50 mg/m3 Nox≤100mg/m3, particulate matter≤10mg/m3. Actual emission concentration: SO2 4mg/m3, Nox 10mg/m3, particulate matter 5.4mg/m3. The number on the south side is DA010, which implements the standard of Table 2 in "Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standard Part 5: Surface Coating Industry" (DB37 2801.5—2018): Benzene≤0.5mg/m3, Toluene≤1.5mg/m3, Xylene≤5mg / m3, VOCs≤50mg/m3. Actual emission concentration: Benzene ND (not detected), toluene≤0.049mg/m3, xylene≤0.048mg/m3, VOCs≤1.93mg/m3. Exhaust gas is discharged in an organized manner through treatment facilities.

(3) Noise emission

The noise emission standard of Qicheng Company implements the three standards in the "Environmental Noise Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises" (GB12348-2008): daytime ≤65 dB(A), nighttime ≤55 dB(A). The actual detection values are: 61.1dB(A) during the day and 54.4dB(A) at night.

(4) Solid waste

The main hazardous waste of Qicheng Company implements the "Hazardous Waste Storage Pollution Control Standard" (GB18597-2001), mainly including: paint residue 14.04t/a; paint bucket 1.11t/a waste engine oil 0.22 t/a, etc. The plant area has specially set up hazardous waste storage rooms. After collection, all are entrusted to Wulian County Everbright Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (Lu Weizheng No. 38) for processing.

3. Pollution prevention facilities

The supporting pollution prevention facilities of Qicheng company include: smelting furnace spray tower dust removal device, smelting aluminum ash cooling collection device, shot blasting machine bag dust collector, polishing spray dust removal device, dust dust collection device, water curtain paint removal device + organic waste gas Biodegradable purification equipment, a 20t/d sewage treatment system has been built, and all protective facilities are operating normally.

4. Environmental impact assessment information

In August 2017, Qicheng Company entrusted Shandong Huantai Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. to compile the "Phase I Project Status Environmental Impact Assessment Report", which was approved and filed by the Taishan District Environmental Protection Bureau (Taishan Huan Record [2017] No. 7).

5. Emergency plan for emergencies

The "Emergency Plan for Environmental Emergencies" of Qicheng Company was issued and effective in July 2017, and was reported to the Taishan District Environmental Protection Bureau for record. The plan includes environmental risk analysis and evaluation, organizational responsibilities, prevention and early warning plans, emergency response measures, implementation of safeguards, and corresponding training and drill plans. At the same time, environmental risk assessment reports and environmental emergency resource survey reports are prepared, and are to be released in 2019. Emergency drills were carried out in August 2008.

9. Environmental certification information

Qicheng passed the ISO14001 environmental management system recertification audit in 2016.
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